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Collection: Holle Organic Goat Milk Formula

The organic goat’s milk from Holle is a well-known alternative to cow’s milk formulas. If your infant is having problems with cow-based Formula, we highly recommend giving Holle Goat milk formula.

7 products
  • Holle Organic Goat Formula - Stage 1
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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    $32.49 in stock
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  • Holle Goat Dutch Formula - Stage 1
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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    $57.99 in stock
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  • Holle Organic Goat Formula - Stage 2
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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  • Holle Goat Dutch Formula - Stage 2
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
    56 Reviews
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  • Holle Organic Goat Formula - Stage 3
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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    $32.49 in stock
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  • Holle Goat Dutch Formula - Stage 3
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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  • Holle Organic Goat Formula - Stage Pre
    Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
    3 Reviews
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    $32.49 in stock
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Holle – Organic Goat Milk Formula

Is your little one having trouble with cow milk sensitivity? Holle’s incredible line of organic goat milk formulas could be the right choice for your baby. Goat’s milk formula has become increasingly popular over the last couple of years. The organic goat milk line of Holle providing critical nutrients similar to breast milk.

Let’s have a look at the many important reasons parents are choosing Holle goat’s milk formula.

  1. EU organic certified – Holle developed a range of goat milk formulas that are European certified organic. This means that the formulas are free of many ingredients that you unfortunately do find in lots of non-organic baby formulas. The goat milk formulas are:

  1. Similar to breastmilk – Goat milk formulas contain oligosaccharides similar to breastmilk. Oligosaccharides act as prebiotics making digestion easier due to healthy gut flora.
  2. High in vitamins and minerals – compared to regular cow’s milk, goat milk naturally contains higher levels of certain vitamins which are important to the development and growth of your little one. This includes vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, and calcium.
  3. Easier to digest – when your baby has trouble digesting cow’s milk protein goat milk can be a solution. Goat milk formula generally forms a softer, smaller, and looser curd once it reaches the gut. This makes it easier to digest for your little one.

Milk protein allergy vs intolerance

An important note to make is that a cow’s milk allergy is not the same as a milk protein intolerance.  An allergy is much more severe and affects a little less than 5% of the population. Symptoms such as frequent spit up, vomiting, diarrhea, blood in stool or swelling (especially) of the mouth and throat could indicate an allergy. If you expect an allergy to milk protein always consult your pediatrician before you make any changes to your baby or toddlers diet. An intolerance to lactose (milk protein) in babies can cause symptoms such as:

  • Gassiness
  • Diarrhea
  • Failure to thrive and gain weight
  • Spitting up

Milk intolerance occurs when a baby is not able to digest the sugar in milk (lactose). As goat milk contains a lower about of lactose compared to cow’s milk your baby might tolerate this formula better.

HiPP Hypoallergenic formulas might in this case also be a good solution as it is specifically developed for babies with that sensitive stomach.


A formula that matches each stage of your little ones development

Holle goats milk formulas come in three stages, each stage is tailored to match your growing infants nutritious needs:

Holle Goat milk formula stage 1 – from birth to six months of age

Holle Goat milk formula stage 2 – for babies between 6 and 10 months

Holle Goat milk formula stage 3 – for babies from 10 months onwards