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Collection: Hipp Baby Formula Stage 1

From birth Onward – a nutritionally complete, whey based, gentle infant milk. The HiPP formula stage 1 is specially formulated using only the finest organic milk and contain Omega 3 & 6, DHA and prebiotics.

9 products
  • HiPP Dutch Organic Formula - Stage 1
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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  • HiPP Dutch Goat Formula - Stage 1
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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  • HiPP German Organic Formula - Stage 1
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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  • HiPP Hydrolyzed Formula - Stage 1
    Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
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  • HiPP UK Organic Formula - Stage 1
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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  • HiPP Comfort German Formula - All Stages
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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  • HiPP Anti Reflux Formula - All Stages
    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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  • HiPP German Organic Formula - Stage Pre
    Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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  • HiPP Hydrolyzed Dutch Formula - Stage 1
    Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
    13 Reviews
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    $62.99 in stock
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HiPP stage 1 formula – tailored to infant requirements

Your little one grows so fast in these first months, and they need all the help they can get to do this as well as possible. The combiotic stage 1 range from HiPP is modeled on nature. Its composition is well tailored to infants’ requirements. The HiPP formula stage 1 range supplies a lot of important nutrients for a healthy development. The Combiotik HiPP Stage 1 formula is suitable from birth and can be used for supplementing breast milk or exclusive bottle feeding. How is your little one developing those first 6 months, and what do they need to support that development:

Iron Vitamin A, C & D The development of your baby is going fast, and their body is growing bigger and stronger. Before you know it, your little one can hold up his/her head. To be able to do so, the bone and muscle growth should be supported. Iron, Vitamine A, C, and D can help with this. Were vitamin D can specifically be important for calcium absorption.

Prebiotics & Probiotics Before birth your baby does not use his/her digestive system yet as there is no actual food to move. Once they start taking in food after birth the digestive system is properly put to work for the first time. This is why lots of babies can experience colic, their digestive system starts growing and developing during the first period of their life. Breastmilk contains prebiotic and probiotics to support this growth and so does the HiPP formula stage 1. Prebiotics (GOS) to support a healthy intestinal flora and Probiotics as the first colonizers of the intestines. The latter is actually originally isolated from breastmilk by HiPP so that it resembles breastmilk as close as possible.

Omega 3 & 6Besides the physical growth, your baby’s brain development can also grow fast. A newborn can, for example, not see very far. Only objects that are 8-15 inches away, just enough to see your face when you are feeding your baby. After the darkness of the womb, the world is a bright, visually stimulating place, and your little one might need some time to adjust to that. Throughout the months, your baby can learn how to focus, have depth perceptions, and when their eyes work well enough together, they will be able to form a 3-D view of the world around them. Omega 3 & 6 are present in breastmilk and in HiPP formula stage 1 to help support brain, nerve cells, and eyesight development.

Some of the other reasons why we love the HiPP stage 1 formula:

  • Organic skim milk
  • GMO-free
  • No gluten, and no maltodextrin
  • No synthetic preservatives or nutrients
  • Essential vitamins and nutrients
  • Organic lactic acid bacteria cultures (similar to breast milk)
  • Certified organic to European standards (which are stricter than in the US)

Breast Milk – the gold standard

Breast milk has building blocks that promote an infant’s healthy development in a very good way. This is why HiPP formula stage 1 is developed according to this gold standard, breastmilk. The latest ­ findings of human milk research are being considered in the further ongoing development of Organic Combiotic  Infant HiPP stage 1 formula. 

If you want to know more about all the building blocks that are used to create HiPP formula Stage 1 check out our blog article. Or you can always shoot us a msg and we are happy to help with any questions. 

Difference between HiPP stage 1 formulas - Dutch, German & UK

The differences between the HiPP formulas stage 1 are small. Below a table that illustrates the differences between the baby formulas across the most important categories. 

The HiPP Dutch formula stage 1:  The absence of starch and the presents of prebiotics and probiotics for a health gut flora make this formula the most popular formula among the Combiotic range.

 The HiPP German formula stage 1: The main difference with the other two formulas is the presents of starch.

The HiPP UK formula stage 1: The difference in the UK formula is the absence of probiotics