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When can babies stop drinking formula?

As parents or caregivers, we often wonder when our little ones will reach various milestones, and transitioning from organic formula to solid foods is one of the significant ones. Knowing when to wean off formula and introduce other milk options is important for a baby's growth and development. In this blog, we will explore the signs that indicate a baby is ready to stop drinking formula and how to switch to cow’s milk and solids. Fear not, dear parents, for we're here to guide you through this epic quest with a dash of humor. So grab a cup of coffee (or formula if you're feeling nostalgic), and let's embark on an informative adventure. Remember, we're here to help! 

Understanding the Age to Wean Off Formula: 

As your little one continues to grow, their nutritional needs evolve. Starting at around four to six months of age, you and your baby embark on a journey called weaning. This process involves introducing foods and whole milk alongside breast milk or infant formula to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. After around six months, babies start showing signs of readiness for solid foods. It's an exciting transition, but remember that every child is unique and will show signs of readiness in their own way. Some signs include good head and neck control, sitting up with support, showing interest in others' food, and being able to close their lips around a spoon. 

Signs that Indicate a Baby is Ready to Stop Formula:

Every newborn develops at their own pace, so it's important to watch for signs that your little one is ready to transition from formula to solid foods. These signs may include:

  1. Increased interest in food: If your baby starts showing curiosity about what you're eating, reaching out for your food, or opening their mouth when you offer them a taste, it might be a sign that they are ready to explore new flavors and textures.
  2. Loss of tongue-thrust reflex: Babies are born with a natural reflex that pushes food out of their mouths. As this reflex diminishes, it becomes easier for them to swallow and manage solid foods.
  3. Adequate weight gain: Your baby's weight gain is an essential indicator of their overall growth and development. If your baby is steadily gaining weight and their pediatrician is satisfied with their growth, it may be an excellent time to introduce solids.

So, it's time to dust off those baby spoons and prepare for some messy (yet adorable) mealtimes!

Messy Toddler girl eating Organic formula Shop

Gradual Formula Weaning Process: 

Now that we've deciphered the signs, it's time to embark on the gradual weaning process. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your baby's transition from formula to solid foods won't happen overnight, either. When transitioning from formula to solid foods, a gradual approach is recommended. Start by introducing small amounts of pureed fruits or vegetables, such as mashed bananas or sweet potatoes, at around six months of age. Begin with one meal a day and gradually increase to two or three meals over time.
While introducing solids, continue to provide formula as the primary source of nutrition. As your baby gets more comfortable with solid foods, you can gradually reduce the amount of formula offered at each feeding. However, it's crucial to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients from baby formula until they are ready for cow's milk. 
Around the age of one, babies are ready to move beyond infant formula and breast milk and enter the next weaning phase. While some parents may begin this phase at 12 months, it's important to remember that every child is different, so there's no need to rush. This transition can only happen when their digestive system has matured enough to handle toddler formulas or cow's milk. Additionally, they must switch after significant exposure and experience with solid foods to ensure proper nutrition. 

Introducing Cow's Milk to Babies 

Providing your little one with the proper nutrition at each growth stage is crucial. Cow's milk is not recommended as a replacement for formula or breast milk until your baby is at least one year old. Before this age, babies' digestive systems are not fully developed, and cow's milk can be difficult to digest. When your baby turns one, you can start introducing whole cow's milk as a part of their diet. However, it should be at most 16 to 24 ounces per day. It's important to consult your pediatrician regarding the appropriate timing and quantity of cow's milk for your baby, as individual needs may vary. So, let's put that cow on standby until the first birthday bash! 

The Premium European brands we carry, like HiPP, Holle, and Lebenswert, ensure that newborns or toddlers receive precisely what they need during this imperative development phase. We carry the following five stages:

  • Stage Pre: Specially designed from birth onwards up to six months of age
  • Stage 1: Specially designed infant formula from birth onwards up to six months of age
  • Stage 2: Specially designed Follow-On formula from six months up to 10 or 12 months of age (depending on the brand)
  • Stage 3: Specially designed Toddler Formula from 10 or 12 months up to 12 or 24 months of age (depending on the brand)
  • Stage 4: Specially designed Toddler formula from 12 or 24 months onwards (depending on the brand) 

Parents and caregivers can choose the appropriate stage from Cow Milk Formulas, Goat Milk Formulas and formulas for Sensitive Tummies.  

Alternative Milk Options for Toddlers:

If your baby has reached the age of one but cannot tolerate cow's milk due to an allergy or intolerance, alternative milk options are available. Almond milk, oat milk, and rice milk are some alternatives that can be considered. However, it's crucial to consult your pediatrician to ensure these alternatives meet your child's nutritional needs.  

Formula vs. Cow's Milk for Older Babies

While transitioning from formula to cow's milk, some parents may wonder whether extended formula feeding has any benefits. Extended formula feeding refers to continuing formula use beyond one year of age. 

As your baby grows older, you might wonder about the benefits of extended formula feeding. Is it worth sticking with the powdered magic or switching to cow's milk? While cow's milk can be a suitable alternative, our Organic formulas  can still provide specific benefits for older babies:

  1. Nutritional completeness: our Cow and Goat Formulas are specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants and contain essential nutrients like iron, calcium, and vitamins.
  2. Allergies or sensitivities: Some babies may have allergies or sensitivities to cow's milk proteins. In such cases, the Hydrolyzed formulas or other Specialty Formulas that we carry can be a suitable alternative to ensure they receive proper nutrition.
  3. Consistency and familiarity: Switching from formula to cow's milk can sometimes be challenging for babies who are used to the taste and texture of baby formula. Extended formula feeding with Stage 4 formulas can provide a smoother transition. 

Making the Switch 

Transitioning from baby formula to toddler formula or cow's milk can be challenging for parents. While some lucky ones find it easy, most babies need time to adjust to this change. It requires careful planning and timing to ensure a smooth transition.
We recommend introducing the new product gradually over several weeks, allowing your baby's digestive system to adjust accordingly. You can create a flexible schedule incorporating the old and new products until your baby is comfortable solely relying on the new one. This approach gives their body time to adapt without any disruptions. You can follow a transition schedule like below. Remember that you may need to adjust this schedule based on your child's unique needs. 

  • Week 1-2: Introduction of Cow's Milk
  • Week 3-4: Increasing Cow's Milk Proportion
  • Week 5-6: Transition to Pure Cow's Milk
  • Week 7 and Beyond: Full Transition to Cow's Milk

Congratulations! Your little one is now ready to bid farewell to formula and embrace cow's milk as their primary source of dairy.

Tips for a Successful Transition:

  1. Be Patient and Flexible: Every baby has their own pace and preferences. If your little one shows resistance or hesitation during the transition, don't worry. Stay patient, and try different approaches, such as mixing cow's milk with their favorite foods or offering it at different temperatures.
  2. Maintain a Balanced Diet: Alongside the introduction of cow's milk, continue to provide a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. Cow milk alone may not fulfill your baby's nutritional needs.
  3. Consult Your Pediatrician: Throughout the transition process, consult your pediatrician for guidance and support. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your baby's needs and ensure a smooth and healthy transition. 


Watching your little one grow up can evoke mixed feelings; it may seem like time flies by in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, they'll be ready to move on from baby formula and food. Whether this transition happens faster or slower than expected, cherish these moments with your toddler as a sign that they're growing healthy and strong. Ultimately, only you and your child will decide when their journey off infant formula has come full circle. Remember to enjoy every step along the way. Bon appétit and happy transitioning! 

Consulting Your Pediatrician

It's crucial to involve your pediatrician throughout the process of transitioning from formula to solid foods. They can guide you on the appropriate timing, quantities, and nutritional requirements for your baby. Every child is unique, and your pediatrician's advice can help ensure a smooth and healthy transition. 

We Are Here to Help! 

If you're unsure about what to order or have any questions, please shoot us an email at We’re here to help! Our dedicated support team is here to assist you in providing the best nutrition for your little one. Your child's well-being is our top priority!