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What to Expect: Baby Milestones 6-12 Months

Your little one has hit six months! Leaving behind the first phase and milestones of 0-6 months, your baby is entering a different and exciting chapter in life! They have mastered motor, sensory, communication, and feeding skills in the first six months of their lives, from smiling and moving their hands to babbling and reaching out to you. Between 6 and 12 months, babies undergo significant developmental milestones and growth spurts as they transition from infancy to early toddlerhood. These months include some exciting milestones, as babies can now use their hands for support and begin to pull themselves into a standing position. Some babies might even start taking a few steps on their own. Let’s get into what you can expect from your baby in months six through twelve. 

What are growth spurts?

Growth spurts are rapid periods of growth that occur during infancy and childhood when children experience a sudden increase in height, weight, and overall size. A noticeable acceleration in growth characterizes these spurts and may occur at various stages throughout childhood. Babies often experience several growth spurts during the first year of life, typically around two weeks, three months, six months, and nine months of age. During these times, babies may require more frequent feedings and may be more irritable or fussy than usual.

Growth Spurts. Organic Formula Shop

Between 6 to 12 months, babies undergo significant growth and development, and growth spurts are common during this period. Here's what to expect during this time:

  • Physical Growth:

    • Babies typically experience rapid physical growth during the first year of life, including increased height, weight, and head circumference.
    • During growth spurts, you may notice that your baby's clothing becomes tighter, and they may outgrow diapers and other baby gear more quickly than usual.

  • Increased Appetite:

    • Babies often experience increased appetite during growth spurts as their bodies require more calories to support their rapid growth and development. Later in this article, we highlight the importance of specially designed infant formulas for this age group.

  • Changes in Sleep Patterns:

    • Growth spurts can disrupt your baby's sleep patterns, causing them to wake more frequently at night or experience shorter naps during the day.
    • Your baby may seem fussier or more irritable than usual during growth spurts, especially if they are experiencing discomfort or hunger associated with rapid growth.

  • Emotional Changes:

    • Some babies may experience mood changes during growth spurts, becoming more clingy, fussy, or demanding attention.
    • Providing comfort, reassurance, and extra cuddles during these times can help soothe your baby and alleviate any discomfort they may be experiencing.

It's important to remember that growth spurts are a normal and healthy part of childhood development. While they may temporarily disrupt your baby's routine and sleep patterns, they are usually short-lived and followed by periods of rest and adjustment. If you have concerns about your baby's growth or development or notice persistent changes in their behavior or appetite, please consult your pediatrician.

Development 6-12 Months

The changes you’ll see in your baby during this time are immense. The transition from infancy to early toddlerhood is a remarkable period characterized by significant developmental milestones and changes in a child's physical, cognitive, social, and emotional abilities. Think of your little one as an explorer during this time, using their mind and their body more than ever. Here's a glimpse into this exciting transition:

  • Physical Development:

    • Motor Skills: Babies progress from the early stages of rolling over, sitting, and crawling to more advanced forms of movement, such as pulling to stand, cruising along furniture, and taking those first wobbly steps independently.
    • Coordination: As toddlers gain confidence in their motor skills, they become more adept at manipulating objects, stacking blocks, and engaging in activities that require hand-eye coordination.

  • Cognitive Development:

    • Exploration: Early toddlers are curious explorers, eager to investigate their surroundings and discover the properties of objects through sensory exploration.
    • Problem-solving: They begin to demonstrate problem-solving skills, such as figuring out how to open a container or fit shapes into corresponding holes.
    • Object Permanence: Toddlers develop a deeper understanding of object permanence, realizing that objects continue to exist even when out of sight.

  • Social and Emotional Development:

    • Independence: Early toddlers exhibit signs of growing independence, expressing preferences, asserting their will, and attempting to do things on their own.
    • Emotional Regulation: They learn to navigate a range of emotions, from joy and excitement to frustration and disappointment, and begin to develop strategies for self-regulation.
    • Social Interaction: Toddlers engage in parallel play alongside peers, imitating behaviors, sharing toys (albeit sometimes reluctantly), and beginning to understand social cues and norms.

  • Language Development:

    • First Words: Early toddlers may say their first words, although language development varies widely among children. They begin to understand and respond to simple verbal commands and questions.

      Language Development for 6-12 Months.jpg

    • Vocabulary Expansion: They start to acquire an expanding vocabulary, learning new words through exposure to language-rich environments and interactions with caregivers and peers.

  • Feeding and Self-Care:

    • Self-Feeding: Toddlers show increasing interest and ability in self-feeding, using utensils to scoop and feed themselves finger foods.
    • Toileting Skills: Some toddlers may begin showing signs of readiness for toilet training, although this milestone varies widely among children and typically occurs later in toddlerhood.
  • The transition from infancy to early toddlerhood is a dynamic period marked by rapid growth, exploration, and newfound independence. While it comes with unique challenges, it is also a time of wonder and joy as parents witness their children's emerging personalities and capabilities. Providing a supportive and nurturing environment during this transition lays the foundation for healthy development and sets the stage for continued growth and learning in the years to come.

    Baby milestones month by month (6-12 months)

      Here's an overview of some developmental milestones babies may reach from 6 to 12 months. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines according to pediatricians (individual development can vary). Babies reach milestones at their own pace.

      6 Months:

      • Sitting without support: Many babies can sit upright with minimal or unassisted support by this month's end.
      • Rolling over both ways: Babies may start rolling from their stomach to their back and vice versa.
      • Babbling: Babies begin experimenting with babbling sounds like "ma-ma" or "da-da".
      • Exploring toys: They grasp and explore toys with their hands, bringing objects to their mouths for further exploration.

      7 Months:

      • Increased mobility: Some babies may scoot or crawl, while others may creep on all fours.
      • Object permanence: Babies begin to understand that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight.
      • Responding to names: Babies may respond to their names and turn their heads when called.

      8 Months:

      • Crawling: Many babies become proficient crawlers by the end of this month, exploring their environment more actively.
      • Pulling up to stand: Babies start to pull themselves up to a standing position using furniture or other support.
      • Improved hand-eye coordination: They can pick up small objects with their thumb and forefinger (pincer grasp).
      • Waving bye-bye: Some babies may start waving bye-bye as a social gesture.

      9 Months:

      • Cruising: Babies begin to cruise along furniture while holding on for support.
      • Babbled words: They may start to babble words that sound like natural speech, although they may not have specific meanings yet.
      • Improved understanding: Babies understand simple commands and gestures, such as "no" or "come here."

      10 Months:

      • Standing alone: Some babies may take their first unsupported steps or stand briefly without support.
      • Gestures: Babies may use gestures such as pointing to communicate their needs or interests.
      • Increased exploration: They become more curious and may explore their environment more independently.

      11 Months:

      • Walking with assistance: Many babies can walk while holding onto furniture or with the support of an adult.
      • Mimicking sounds: Babies may imitate sounds or actions they observe in their environment.
      • Playing games: They enjoy simple games like peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake.

      12 Months:

      • First steps: Some babies may take their first independent steps around their first birthday, although the age at which babies start walking varies widely.
      • Simple gestures: Babies may wave, clap, or point to communicate and interact with others.
      • First words: They may say their first words, which often include simple words like "mama," "dada," or the names of familiar objects.
      • Fine motor skills: They develop more refined hand-eye coordination and may stack blocks or manipulate small objects with greater dexterity.

      These milestones provide a general guideline for what to expect during each month. By 12 months, your baby has likely mastered most of these, but remember that every baby develops at their own pace. 

      As always, never hesitate to contact your pediatrician with concerns about your child. Some developments may take time, but concerns should be brought to a professional as soon as possible.

      Formula & Milestones

      Choosing the right formula for your baby is an important decision, especially during the critical stages of development between 6 and 12 months. European baby formulas are designed to provide complete nutrition for babies as they grow and develop. The European Union (EU) has strict regulations regarding the composition and labeling of baby formula, and all baby formula sold in the EU must meet these regulations. One of the key aspects of European baby formula is the division into different stages to reflect the changing nutritional needs of babies as they grow from newborns to toddlers. The age of 6+ months correlates with Stage 2 for EU-made formulas and is often called a "Follow-On" Formula. The Stage 1 formulas are specially tailored for birth to 6 months of age. Here are some popular considerations for European organic formulas for little ones aged 6 to 12 months:

      HiPP Dutch Stage 2: for babies aged 6 - 12 months of age (Follow-On formula)

      HiPP Dutch Stage 2 Combiotic Follow-on Formula


      BebeM Stage 2: for babies aged 6 - 10 months of age (Follow On formula)

      Bebe M Organic Rice-Based Formula Stage 2


      HiPP Dutch HA Stage 2: for babies aged 6+ months of age

      HiPP Dutch HA2 Hydrolyzed Formula Stage 2


      Holle Goat Stage 2: for babies aged 6 - 12 months of age

      Holle Goat Stage 2 Organic Follow-On Infant Milk Formula

      Your 1-Year-Old

      Happy Birthday to your little one! Overall, your once “helpless” baby has rounded out to a little person with likes, dislikes, habits, silly sounds, their favorite ways to get around, and even some first words. Now it’s time to keep up with your little one! ;)

      From those first tentative steps to the joyful babbling of newfound words, every achievement is a cause for celebration and a reminder of the magic journey of parenthood.

      As parents, caregivers, and supporters, let us cherish these precious moments and take joy in the simple wonders of watching our babies grow and thrive. With patience, love, and encouragement, we can embrace the challenges and triumphs of early childhood, knowing that each step forward is the proof to the resilience and strength of our children.

      So let us celebrate the journey, savoring each precious moment and looking forward to the bright future that awaits our little ones. For in their laughter, their curiosity, and their boundless energy, we find endless inspiration and hope for the world yet to come.

      Any questions?

      Contact our dedicated customer support team at Organic Formula Shop for expert advice and guidance tailored to your baby's needs. They have earned hundreds of 5-star reviews from our customers, helping you to provide the best nutrition for your little one. Contact us here or shoot us an email at We're here to help!  

      Please note:

      This article is no medical advice. Always consult your pediatrician before making any decisions about your child’s diet or if you notice any changes in your child.