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Breast Milk vs. Organic Baby Formula

For many parents considering formula, a top concern is whether baby formula is an acceptable replacement for breast milk. This may be one of the first choices a parent makes for their child, and it’s not surprising for them to wonder: Are breast milk and formula actually similar? Will my baby still thrive if I use formula? 
We all agree that breast milk is the most natural and healthy way to feed a baby. It is a miraculous creation that provides a unique blend of essential nutrients perfectly tailored to meet your baby's growing needs. On the other hand, European Organic Baby Formulas offers an alternative for parents who are unable or choose not to breastfeed. EU Organic formulas are made from high-quality, carefully selected organic ingredients and the manufacturing process is regulated by strict regulations set by the EU. They are free from synthetic pesticides, hormones, and other potentially harmful substances, making it the best alternative to breast feeding.

One of the key considerations when comparing breast milk and organic formula is the nutritional composition. Breast milk contains a complex blend of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that is specifically designed for your baby's needs. While Organic Formulas, like Cow or Goat formulas, are carefully formulated to provide a balanced and adequate supply of nutrients that support your baby's growth and development.
 In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits and drawbacks of breast milk and organic formula and their nutritional differences.

Breast Milk vs Baby formula

Breast Milk Vs. Organic Formula: Nutritional Differences

There are several similarities and differences in the composition of breast milk and organic formula. Let’s take a look at them.

Breast Milk Composition

Being the baby's first food, we expect breast milk to contain all essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and water, to keep them hydrated.  But it doesn’t stop at that. It comes loaded with extra nutritional value!

Breast-Milk-Composition Chart Organic Formula shop

From colostrum that seals and protects an infant's stomach lining to the mature milk that aids with their growth and development, every feed of breast milk contains;

  1. Live cells
    Including white blood cells that boost their immune systems and stem cells that help organs heal and develop with time.

  1. Whey and Casein
    Breast milk contains two classes of proteins, namely whey, and casein. Whey remains liquid and is easier to digest, while casein forms clots and curds in the stomach, and they both help to develop and protect the neurons in their brains.

  1. Amino Acids
    It has an amino acid profile that fluctuates according to the stage of lactation. The most abundant is glutamine, which serves as a primary energy substrate for intestinal cells, and nucleotides, which are believed to be productive at night to induce sleep.
  1. Fats
    Fats are the main composition in breast milk that supplies enough energy needed to support and develop the central nervous system. They are also responsible for the flavor and aroma of breast milk.
  1. Hormones
    Clever, regulatory hormones are abundant in breast milk and play an important part in every aspect of your baby's growth and development. They pass messages between developing organs and tissues to ensure they work together. Some also regulate the baby's sleep patterns, appetite, and bond with you.
  1. Enzymes
    Enzymes speed up chemical reactions in infants' bodies. Their main roles include aiding the digestion and immune systems and improving their ability to absorb iron.
  1. Vitamins
    Breast milk contains just enough vitamins required for normal infant growth, except Vitamin D and K. The vitamin D stores available are depleted within eight weeks of breastfeeding, and sunlight exposure is required to supplement it. Only limited amounts of vitamin K are transferred to the fetus during pregnancy; hence, vitamin K supplementation is required upon birth.
  1. Minerals
    Minerals in breast milk contribute to a wide range of physiological functions in the infant's body. The milk's mean sodium, chloride, and potassium concentrations are just enough to build the baby's teeth and bones. Still, supplementation is also required at the later stages of breastfeeding.

Breast Formula vs Organic Formula Composition

Organic Formula Composition

The Infant formulas we carry are intended to be a world-class substitute for breast milk. So what do they contain to mimic the nutritional composition and enhance physical and mental growth and development? Let's find out.

  1. Lactose
    While the ingredients vary according to brand, target age, and region, lactose is common to all of them. Lactose is naturally found in milk, and in addition to other sugars such as corn syrup, fructose, or maltodextrin, they make for essential organic milk formula ingredients.
  1. Fatty acids and Plant-based oils
    Organic formulas also contain plant-based oils such as coconut, sunflower, rapeseed, and palm to help meet the baby's fat and energy needs. These come in handy to effectively substitute the fatty acids found in breast milk. Fish oils also substitute fatty acids in some formula variations to ensure the baby has everything they need for proper growth and development.
  1. Vitamins and Minerals
    Vitamins and minerals are abundant in organic formulas. This is one area where formulas outdo breast milk, which doesn't contain all the minerals and vitamins the baby needs. For instance, Vitamins K and D can be added to organic formulas instead of giving them separately as supplements.
  1. Amino Acids
    As they are crucial for a baby's growth and development, amino acids are necessary for baby formula. The amino acid profile of breast milk is often mimicked in infant formulae, ensuring that infants get all the essential amino acids they require. The baby formula must have an appropriate balance of amino acids to support healthy infant growth and development. 

Here are our 3 most popular European Organic Formulas that with a perfect mix of premium ingredients:

Hipp Dutch Organic Formula - Stage 2

Hipp Dutch Organic Formula - Stage 2

Holle Organic Goat Formula - Stage 3

Holle Organic Goat Formula - Stage 3

HiPP German Organic Formula - Stage 3

HiPP German Organic Formula - Stage 3

Pros and Cons of Breast Feeding

Breastfeeding is widely recognized as the most natural and healthy way to feed a baby.  But, like many things, every pro has its cons. Let's highlight a couple of them:

  • Breastfeeding is the most natural and healthy way to feed a newborn.
  • It contains all the nutrients necessary for a baby's growth and development, including antibodies that help protect against infections and diseases. It even can have a positive effect on IQ later on in life!
  • It also promotes bonding between mother and child and can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and childhood obesity.
  • For the mother, breastfeeding promotes faster healing of the uterus and helps in the release of hormones such as oxytocin that promote bonding.
  • Research by the National Library of Medicine in 2012 revealed that breastfeeding could significantly prevent postpartum depression.

While breastfeeding is the most natural way to feed your baby, it has some downsides.

  • Breastfeeding can cause cracked or sore nipples. Especially in the first few weeks, it can result in aching, irritated, or cracked nipples.
  • The inability of some newborns to correctly latch onto the breast can make feeding painful for the mother and less effective for the child.
  • Poor milk supply: Some mothers may struggle to provide their little ones with the necessary amount of milk, which can cause frustration and worry for both the mother and the child.
  • Breast infections: Breastfeeding increases the possibility of getting breast infections like mastitis, which can result in painful and flu-like symptoms.
  • Some practical limitations: Breastfeeding takes time, and a mother may need to change her routine and way of life to accommodate frequent feedings. It also could be awkward for mothers to breastfeed in public.

Organic Formula Pros and Cons

Whether you choose breast milk, organic formula, or a combination of both, bottle feeding can be a safe and healthy option for your little one.


  • Consistency: Formula feeding gives parents more control over their little one’s feeding schedule, which can help with consistency and planning.
  • Convenience: For some parents, formula feeding may be more convenient because it allows for flexible feeding and may let others assist with feeding responsibilities.
  • Nutritional balance: Organic formula is created to offer a ratio of nutrients, including protein, fat, and carbs, which is comparable to breast milk.
  • Management of allergies: If a newborn has allergies or sensitivities to substances in breast milk, formulas designed for sensitive tummies can help.
  • Bonding: Formula feeding can allow other caregivers to feed and cuddle the baby, leading to stronger bonds.
  • Medical requirements: If a mother has a health issue that prohibits her from nursing or the baby has unique dietary needs, formula feeding may occasionally be required for medical reasons. 
  • Organic formulas don't provide the same protection against diseases and infections as breast milk.
  • Bottles, rubber nipples, and formulas could be expensive.
  • Parents may need to visit a pediatrician to determine the best formula for their little one.
  • Formulas could cause digestive problems such as bloating and constipation.
  • The production of infant formula can have a detrimental influence on the environment due to the consumption of energy, water, and other resources. By Choosing a European Brand like Hipp, Holle, or Lebenswert, you can be assured that this impact is minimal.
  • Infant Formula Regulations. Certain U.S.-produced formulas may contain ingredients that aren't as beneficial for babies, like artificial flavors or synthetic preservatives. Hence the immense popularity of Organic Infant Formulas manufactured according to the strict rules set by the EU.

Bottom Line

Breast feeding vs Bottle Feeding Organic formula Shop

Both breastmilk and organic formula have pros and cons, and the decision to use one over the other ultimately comes down to personal preferences and circumstances. Although it may be difficult or impossible for some moms or parents to produce breastmilk or to breastfeed, it has various health benefits for both the parent and the infant. Organic baby formulas offer a secure and nourishing substitute for breast milk. Ultimately, the choice of whether to breastfeed or use organic formula should be made after considering the person's preferences, lifestyle, and health. Before deciding to bottle-feed, we advise consulting your pediatrician.

Not sure which formula to choose? Please check our baby formula comparison chart to help you understand the differences between our offered formulas. 

Have questions about which formula is right for your baby?
We produced a special Organic Formula Buyer’s Guide 2023 with all the need-to-know information about our top European formulas. If needed, our team of formula specialists is just one email away to answer your formula-related questions. We love to talk with moms about the amazing products we offer, we’re moms and caregivers too! Contact us here or shoot us an email at We're here to help!  

Please note: every individual and circumstance is unique, so talk to your doctor to discover how this information can benefit you. This blog shouldn't be used in place of expert medical guidance, diagnosis, or care. Never ignore or put off getting medical help because of something you read here!