Tips for Traveling with a Newborn
If traveling was a big part of your life before having a baby, you might aim for things to remain the same afterward. Once you have a baby, you can definitely still travel and explore the world; it might just need a little bit more planning and organizing than before.
While traveling with a young baby may sound challenging, it can be lots of fun too. Even if you are not a world throbbed, traveling with your baby will likely happen someday as you might have relatives or friends living further away. Whether traveling is a hobby or more of a necessity, we are here to help you make it the best trip together with your baby. We’ll answer some of the questions surrounding traveling with babies – short and long – plus a list of all essential items.
Preparing to Travel With a baby
Traveling with a newborn is definitely a little more work, but with adequate preparation, you can make things easier both for you and for the baby. Here are some things you could do to get both of you ready for the journey:
1. Consult your pediatrician
Before you start planning your trip, it's important to make sure that your baby is healthy enough to travel. It's best to consult with your pediatrician before you make any travel arrangements.
2. Rest The Baby Well Beforehand
Any traveler would know that preparing well for a journey is the first step to making it successful, and one way to do so is to rest well and preserve the energy for the journey. This is the same with newborns, and their rest schedule should begin up to a week before you start traveling.
Ensuring they get enough rest is half the battle, and you'll be surprised at the difference it can make. This is because it makes them content and able to handle a few routine disruptions better along the way.
3. Ship Ahead
Nothing is quite as inconvenient as getting to your destination only to discover that you don't have access to the supplies you're used to at home, especially when you have a baby with you. Check if the items you need (diapers, creams, baby food) are available in the country you are traveling to. If they are not and take up a lot of luggage space (i.e., diapers), you can ship the items to your destination before traveling. Shipment sites, Amazon, and come in handy for this.
Even though you don't want to lack the essential supplies for your baby, you also don't want to take up luggage space with items you can easily ship ahead.
4. Organize Your Hand Luggage
What do you need during traveling and what can go in the suitcase? Pack a well-supplied diaper bag with everything necessary for the journey. Preferably you have a bag with lots of compartments to easily organize it. Think: hold your baby in one hand, and grab that baby wipe with the other. Being organized like this can save you stress and annoyance; nothing worse than looking for that small pacifier in a big bag full of stuff 😉.
5. Essentials to pack
What are the main and important things not to forget when you are traveling with your little one? We love handy checklists so here it goes:
- Diapers and wipes – either pack, ship ahead or check if you can buy them at your vacation destination
- Baby clothes: pack clothes that are weather appropriate. If you are going on a sunny vacation, do not forget to also bring warmer clothes for the evenings and sun hats for during the day. If it is a snowy and cold destination, the best way to go is layers so that you can adapt to outside and inside temperatures
- Breastmilk supplies or your European Organic Formula and bottles. Make sure to pack enough for the entire trip and put extra in your diaper bag just in case of delays.
- Pacifiers, if your baby uses one make sure to pack a couple extra in case you lose one or one gets dirty.
- Stroller: nothing more fun than exploring and going places. Bring a stroller to make it easier to get around with your baby.
- Blankets, swaddles, and PJs: pack the ones you usually use at home if possible; this will give your baby comfort and can improve nap time and sleeping at night.
- Baby toiletries: Pack travel-sized baby shampoo, lotion, and other toiletries to keep your baby clean and comfortable.
- First aid kit: Pack a small first aid kit with items such as band-aids, infant pain reliever, and a thermometer.
- Toys and special stuffy: Bring some toys for entertainment to make the experience fun and enjoyable for your little one. If your baby has a special stuffy, do not forget to pack it!
Traveling By Car
Traveling doesn't have to mean getting on a plane and flying to a location on the other end of the world. Instead, it could mean just a road trip some miles away. If you're considering going on a road trip with your newborn baby, here are some tips to help you.
1. Pack a Diaper Bag
Having all the essentials for the journey is crucial if you want to have a good time with your baby traveling. So make sure you pack a bag within hand reach with all the essentials for during the trip. This can include:
● Feeding bottles & baby formula
● Diapers and wipes
● Pacifier and favorite toys
● Extra Clothes
● Water
For more information on these items, check out our diaper bag checklist to ensure your baby has every supply they need for the ride.
2. Car Seat and Safety
Your little one should not sit in a car seat for an extended period; this can be uncomfortable and potentially harm their development. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies spend no more than 2 hours in a car seat at a time. No worries! The 2-hour limit is not per day but for a continuous period. When you take a break every two hours, get your baby out of the car seat, and move around, you can make quite some miles in a day. The break times are easily filled and can be used to change your baby’s diaper, get them fed, and have some playtime.
It is also important to ensure that the car seat is installed correctly and that your little one is secured in the seat according to the manufacturer's instructions. Car seats should be placed in a rear-facing position until your baby reaches the age of 2 years.
3. Fun gadgets
To keep your little one entertained and safe there are some fun gadgets you can place in the car. Here's an example: You are unable to check and see your baby properly when you are driving or in the passenger seat as your little one is in a rear-facing seat. A little mirror above your little one can be an excellent solution for this and allows you to check up on your baby while driving.

A simple car seat and stroller toy can be entertaining for your little one and is ideal for making time go faster while in the car.
Traveling by Plane
What do children need to fly?
● A ticket, depending on the airline
● A passport for international flights
● The child’s birth certificate
● A letter of consent to travel as per U.S. Customs and Border Protection if the newborn isn’t traveling with both parents
Traveling With an Infant/Toddler Checklist
When traveling with children, half the stress is simply getting to your destination. The rest of the stress is travel preparations.
Here are 10 easy tips to help you organize your travel with your baby with a smile!
1. Prepare in Advance
Whether it’s a short trip to the park or long-distance travel, you need to prepare adequately. Create a list, and confirm you’ve noted everything you must take care of before the trip. Also, don’t beat yourself up if you’ve forgotten anything. After all, parenting-on-the-go demands flexibility.
2. Update Immunizations
Before traveling, whether by air, road, or you’re going anywhere abroad, ensure that your baby has received the necessary immunization.
3. Don’t Pack in Excess
It’s tempting to bring as much as possible on the trip. Don’t. Determine what baby items you can do without during the travel. Ship the rest to your destination using a service like Baby’s Away.
4. Have Your Flight Timings Around the Baby’s Nap Time
Whether it’s a short flight or a long haul, schedule it around the baby’s nap time. When you don’t interfere with the baby’s sleep schedule, it translates to a pleasant experience for everybody.
5. Ship in Advance
If you are away for some time, ship items ahead, such as formula, wipes, and diapers. Also, you can check out this ultimate diaper bag checklist to determine what you’ll need for the trip.
6. Carry All the Necessary Medicine
Whenever you’re traveling with kids, you can be sure to experience something going wrong. It could be a stomach bug, fever, cold, or headache. So it helps to carry medicine with you. Otherwise, you might wander the streets of your new destination, looking for a pharmacy.
7. Arrive Early Enough
Arriving at the airport in good time with your little one minimizes the stress of having to run around as you check-in. However, getting there too early will lead to the child getting bored, leading to tears and tantrums. Settle on arriving half an hour earlier than your expected arrival time when traveling without kids.
8. Choose a Comfortable Seat
If you have a smaller baby, reserve a bulkhead seat to utilize the bassinet and the extra legroom. If the bulkhead isn’t available, consider an aisle and window seat at the back of the plane.
9. Use a baby carrier
A baby carrier is a lifesaver when traveling. It leaves you with two free hands for carry-ons or in places where strollers aren’t usable or permitted.
10. Bring Food and Snacks
While you may breastfeed or bottle-feed with baby formula, you must bring solid foods depending on the baby's age. Keeping your baby’s tummy happy guarantees peace of mind.
Other traveling tips to take into consideration include:
● Pack depending on your destination weather.
● Plan an age-appropriate trip.
● Bring your baby’s toys to the trip.
● Pack books.
● When traveling with toddlers or older babies, allow them to make decisions.
● Prepare for mood changes because a change in routine can be challenging for a child to manage.
● Carry a scrapbook and let your toddler color or draw each day of the trip.
Traveling with a baby can be a challenging experience, but it can also be a unique opportunity to bond with your little one and create unforgettable memories. By following the tips mentioned in this blog, you can make your journey one to never forget, safe, and stress-free. Remember to plan ahead, pack all the essential items, and prioritize what you and your baby need. With the right preparation, traveling with a newborn can be an enjoyable experience!
Plus, you can find the best baby formula at our shop. Be sure to check us out as you prepare for the trip. We’ll be glad to serve you.
Please Note:
As mentioned at the beginning of the Blog, it's important to make sure that your baby is healthy enough to travel. It's best to consult with your pediatrician before you make any travel arrangements!