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Summer With Your Baby. Top Tips and Fun Activities

Welcoming a little one into the world is one of life's greatest joys! But let's be honest, it can also be one of the most challenging adventures you'll ever embark upon. As summer approaches, many parents look forward to enjoying the warm weather and outdoor activities with their little bundle of joy. However, navigating the summer season with a brand-new baby brings its own unique set of challenges. Learn more about the impact of heat on a baby's body, five tips on how to create a comfortable and safe environment, and we'll give you 6 great summer activities you'll both love. So, let's explore how to make the most of your baby's first summer together in a safe and fun way! 

The Risks of Too Much Heat for Babies

Firstly, it's important for (new) parents to understand the potential risks that excessive warmth poses to their little ones. While we may all enjoy soaking up the sun, newborns, with their delicate and developing regulatory systems, are particularly vulnerable to the effects of high temperatures. Unlike adults, infants have limited ability to regulate their body temperature, making them more susceptible to overheating and heat-related illnesses. Here’s what to look out for: 

Heat Exhaustion and Heatstroke: Babies are at an increased risk of developing heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Unlike adults, babies cannot regulate their body temperature as efficiently, making them more susceptible to overheating. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures, particularly in environments with inadequate ventilation or hydration, can lead to dangerous spikes in body temperature, dehydration, and heat-related illnesses.

Dehydration: Babies are more prone to dehydration than adults, as they have a higher surface area to body weight ratio and lower fluid reserves. Excessive heat can lead to increased fluid loss through sweating, which can quickly deplete a baby's hydration levels. Dehydration can have serious consequences for infants, including lethargy, irritability, dry mouth, sunken fontanelle (soft spot on the top of the head), and, in severe cases, unconsciousness and organ damage.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): High temperatures can also increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), a tragic and unexplained phenomenon that affects infants during sleep. Overheating, particularly when babies are swaddled or dressed too warmly, can disrupt their natural sleep patterns and increase the likelihood of SIDS. Maintaining a cool and well-ventilated sleep environment for your baby is essential to reduce the risk of SIDS.

Skin Irritation and Rashes: Excessive heat and humidity can exacerbate skin irritation and rashes in babies, particularly in areas where moisture becomes trapped, such as diaper regions, neck folds, and underarms. Heat rash, also known as prickly heat, occurs when sweat ducts become clogged, leading to redness, itching, and small bumps on the skin. Keeping your baby cool and dry can help prevent heat-related skin irritations and discomfort. 

Now that we've highlighted the potential dangers and discomfort of excess heat for our little ones, it's good to know that multiple solutions are readily available to keep them safe and comfortable during the summer months. 

5 Tips: Creating a Comfortable and Safe Environment

By being mindful of the risks associated with heat exhaustion and heatstroke, you can take simple yet effective measures to ensure your newborn stays cool and hydrated. Whether creating a comfortable indoor environment with adequate ventilation and hydration or limiting outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day, there are plenty of ways to minimize the risk of heat-related illnesses. Here are six tips

  1. Stay Cool Indoors: Keeping your baby cool indoors is crucial with the summer heat in full swing. Use fans or air conditioning to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. Dress your little one in lightweight, breathable clothing, and consider using a small fan or portable air conditioner in their nursery during naptime.
    If you decide to go outdoors, seek shade, use a stroller with a sunshade, and dress your baby in protective clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun during the hottest parts of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  2. Shade and Sun Protection: When venturing outdoors, protect your newborn from the sun's harmful rays using a stroller with a built-in sunshade or attaching a clip-on umbrella. Additionally, dress your baby in light-colored clothing that covers their arms and legs, and don't forget to apply baby-safe sunscreen to any exposed skin.
  3. Hydration is Key: Keep your little one hydrated, especially on hot summer days. Offer frequent feedings if you're breastfeeding, or prepare bottles of formula in advance if you're formula feeding. Remember to store prepared formula in a cooler bag when you're on the go and use it within one hour to ensure freshness (later more about this topic).
  4. Optimize Sleeping Conditions: Create a cool and dark sleeping environment to help your baby get the rest they need. Use blackout curtains to block out sunlight during naptime and bedtime, and consider using a fan or white noise machine to drown out any outside noise that may disrupt their sleep.
  5. Use a summer-friendly baby carrier: The combination of your body heat and the carrier's confining space can make an infant hot and bothered within minutes. If you want to use a carrier in warmer weather, choose a carrier made from lightweight nylon rather than a heavy fabric like denim, and if your child's face starts to look flushed, remove them from the carrier. 

Please remember that it's always better to be on the safe side when it comes to your baby's well-being, so don't hesitate to take steps to cool them down if needed. With a bit of awareness and proactive planning, we can ensure that our babies stay safe, comfortable, and healthy during the hottest months of the year. 

6 Fun Activities for Baby and Parent

Now, let’s talk about the fun part! Whether it's a stroll through the park or a hike on a nature trail, baby-wearing allows you to bond with your newborn while exploring the great outdoors. When going outdoors with your little one, being well-prepared is key. Click here for our checklist of items to bring along! Here are six fun activities you'll both love:

  1. Sensory Playtime: Create a sensory wonderland for your baby by setting up various safe and age-appropriate materials for them to explore with their senses. Fill a shallow container with water and add floating toys for splashing fun. For tactile exploration, introduce different textures, such as soft fabrics, smooth wooden toys, and crinkly paper. You can also incorporate scented items like lavender sachets or citrus slices to stimulate their sense of smell.
  2. Musical Play: Introduce your baby to the joy of music through interactive play and exploration. Sing nursery rhymes together, play musical instruments such as shakers or tambourines, or create your homemade instruments using household items like pots and pans or rice-filled containers. You can also explore different rhythms and sounds by clapping, tapping, and drumming to your favorite songs.
  3. Picnic in the Park: Pack a blanket, some delicious snacks, and your baby's favorite toys, and head to the nearest park for a delightful picnic. Find a shady spot under a tree or set up a colorful umbrella to shield you and your little one from the sun. Spread out the blanket and lay out a tasty spread of finger foods such as fruits, cheese cubes, crackers, and sandwiches your baby can easily grasp and munch on.
  4. Go to a Pool or Have Tub Time: Cool off and splash with your baby by visiting a local pool or setting up a mini water play area in the park. Bring along inflatable baby floats, water toys, and floating balls for endless aquatic fun. If you prefer a more low-key option, fill a portable tub with water and toys and set it up in the shade of a tree for a refreshing tub time in the park and enjoy watching them splash and play in the water, building confidence and physical skills while staying cool and refreshed.
    Please note: If you plan to introduce your baby to the pool or beach, always supervise them closely and never leave them unattended near water!
  5. Watch a Construction Site (a.k.a. "Bob the Builder" Time): If your little one is fascinated by trucks, cranes, and construction equipment, why not take them on a "Bob the Builder" adventure? Find a safe vantage point near a construction site or watch construction-themed videos at home. Point out the different vehicles and machinery, imitating their sounds and movements together. Encourage your baby to mimic the actions of the construction workers, fostering imaginative play and creative exploration.
  6. Visit the Zoo: Take your little explorer on a thrilling adventure to the zoo! Wander through the various exhibits, marveling at exotic animals from around the world. Point out the vibrant colors of the birds, the graceful movements of the big cats, and the playful antics of the primates. Encourage your baby to observe, listen, and interact with the animals, fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder about the natural world. 

Baby formula during summertime 

If you decide to supplement or completely formula-feed your baby, it's important to pay special attention to how you handle and prepare baby formula to ensure its safety and freshness. With temperatures rising, there are some tips to prevent spoilage and maintain the quality of your baby's formula.

Proper Storage: Store your baby formula in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Excessive heat can cause the formula to spoil more quickly, so keeping it in a cool environment is important to maintain its freshness. Avoid leaving bottles of formula in hot cars or near heat sources, as this can lead to bacterial growth and spoilage. When bringing formula outdoors, keeping it protected from heat and sunlight is important. Store powdered formula in a dry, dark, and cool place, such as a diaper bag or insulated container. Consider pre-measured formula dispensers for added convenience and portability.

Prepare in Advance: If you plan to be outdoors with your baby during the summer, you can prepare bottles of formula in advance. The prepared formula should be consumed within one hour to ensure its safety and freshness. Consider investing in insulated bottles or thermos containers to keep prepared formula at the right temperature while you're on the go.

Hydration: Babies may need additional fluids to stay hydrated in hot weather. If you're formula feeding, offer your baby extra feeds throughout the day to ensure they're getting enough fluids. You can also offer cooled boiled water between feeds to keep your baby hydrated in the heat.

Be aware of Signs of Spoilage: Inspect the formula carefully before feeding it to your baby. Look for any signs of spoilage, such as unusual odor, discoloration, or clumping. If you suspect the formula may be spoiled, discard it immediately and prepare a fresh batch. 


By following these tips, you can ensure that your baby's formula remains safe, fresh, and suitable for consumption during the hot summer months. Remember always to prioritize your baby's health and well-being, and don't hesitate to seek advice from your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about feeding your baby in hot weather. With proper preparation and care, you can enjoy a worry-free summer with your little one, knowing that their nutritional needs are being met safely and responsibly. So slather on that sunscreen, pack up the diaper bag, and get ready for a summer filled with endless adventures with your precious little one. After all, the best part of parenting is experiencing the world through the eyes of your baby, and that's something truly magical!


Please contact our dedicated customer support team for expert formula advice and guidance tailored to your baby's needs (even when it's hot outside! ;) ). They have earned hundreds of 5-star reviews from our customers, helping you to provide the best nutrition for your little one. Contact us here or shoot us an email at We're here to help! 

The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance regarding the care and well-being of their newborns and young infants.