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When Will Your Little One Start Teething (and How to Help)

Your little one is growing, and with that comes their little teeth! When this starts, your child is officially teething and will continue to for a few years. It is an exciting time, but it isn’t a fun experience for the baby, as you can imagine. Teething is different for each child, and some babies do better with the pain than others.

Let’s get into what to expect and how to help your baby through this time!

When Will Your Little One Start Teething

You can expect teeth to start peaking through around six months old. Each child is different, with some teething as early as four months and others toothless until their first birthday. As a general rule, be on the lookout at around six months.

Once teething starts, it continues for about three years. While each child’s teething experience will differ in some ways, the below chart shows the typical time for tooth eruption and shedding. 

overview teeth

As you can see, the order is as follows: Lower central incisor, upper central incisor, upper lateral incisor, lower lateral incisor, first upper molar, first lower molar, upper canine, lower canine, second lower molar, second upper molar.

Signs and Symptoms of Teething

Once your baby is teething, you will notice signs of discomfort. The following symptoms are commonly seen in teething babies, according to British Dental Journal:

  • Irritability
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Swelling or inflammation of the gums
  • Drooling
  • Rash around the mouth
  • Mild temperature
  • Increased biting and gum rubbing
  • Ear-rubbing

Unfortunately, these symptoms are non-specific. Therefore, there can be some confusion between teething and other issues, like a cold. 

It’s also important to note that research shows teething does not cause diarrhea, loss of appetite, or other severe symptoms. If you see serious signs, call your pediatrician. 

What Can You Do For Pain Relief

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to soothe your little one’s pain! 

Cold: Apply a safe product or item on babies’ gums. Try chilled fruit or a washcloth. 

Massage: Gently rub the gums in small circles.

Breastfeeding: Nursing is a comfort to babies and can calm them down and distract them from the pain.

Toys: Teething toys can be great. There are various items on the market, including teething rings or pops.

Avoid the following: Necklaces, bracelets, jewelry, battery-operated products, liquid-filled toys, toxic contents.

Distractions: Distractions alone or coupled with one of the above pain relievers can help a lot, especially for babies who don’t have as much severe pain.

** Anything you give your baby should be supervised.

Preparing for a Teething Baby

Teething is an inevitable part of your baby’s growth. Thankfully there are several remedies and products on the market that can help your little one get through as quickly as possible. Do your best to identify between teething symptoms and other issues, seeking advice from your pediatrician as needed.